INNOVA apps s.r.o. Apps

Work in Process Tracking 2.0.5
Mobile work in process tracking solution -Mobile Workman - lets you track processes and operations performedby your workmen.Solution utilizes QR codes and Google Spreadsheets.Gain real-time visibility into processes and estimate costsbased on collected data. Automate mobile data collection usingAndroid smartphones on the go.Use cases:- manufacturing processes- service delivery- service technicians- real estate agents- document tracking systemPlease read first how the solution works at www.workman.mobibefore you request trail.
Tvoja Káva 1.2
Spoznajte svet kávy prostredníctvom aplikácieTvoja Káva, ktorá je určená nielen pre milovníkov kávy.Aplikácia obsahuje:- Pohľad do histórie kávy a jej pestovanie- Zaujímavosti o káve a príprave kávových nápojov- Zdravá káva – čo to je ako na to- Recepty na kávové kokteily- Možnosť zdielania Vašich tipov na prípravu kávy a Vaše skúsenostis kávou a službami- Predstavenie systému exkluzívneho systému Lavazza Blue- Kávovary na prípravu kávyGrafický návrh: gotta.skKľúčové slová: ASO VENDING, káva, tvoja káva, Lavazza Blue,kávovarDiscover the world ofcoffee through the application Your Coffee, which is designed notonly for coffee lovers.The application includes:- View the history of coffee and its cultivation- Curiosity about coffee and preparing coffee drinks- Healthy Coffee - what it is like to- Recipes for coffee cocktails- Possibility to share your tips for preparing your coffeeexperience and coffee service- System Introduction exclusive systému Lavazza Blue- Coffee coffeeGraphic design: gotta.skKeywords: ASO VENDING, coffee, your coffee, Lavazza Bluecoffee
Dobre Radio 0.9.1
Nalaďte si Dobré Rádio a počúvajte hokdekoľvek. Aplikácia Dobré Rádio Vám ponúka nielen možnosť počúvaťmp3 stream Dobrého Rádia, ale cez aplikáciu môžete pohodlnezahlasovať za práve hranú pesničku a dať nám tak najavo, či sa Vámdaná pesnička páči alebo nie.Tune into Dobre Radio and enjoy music anywhere. With thisapplication you can stream Dobre Radio directly into your Androiddevice. Moreover, with this application you can give us valuablefeedback on songs we play and let us know if you like them ornot.
Mobilní Výroba 2.0.6
Řešení Mobilní Výroba je určeno pro maléastředně velké firmy na sledování nejen výrobních operací vreálnémčase a online.Více infomací na:www.mobilnivyroba.czOblasti použití:- výroba - evidence zakázkové výroby a výrobních operací- servisní organizace - sledování servisních úkonů kterévykonávajíservisní technici- obchodní organizace - vykazování práce obchodních zástupců- realitní kanceláře - zadávání informací onehnutelnostechrealitními agenty- dokumenty - sledování dokumentů pomocí QR kódůProductionSolutionsMobile is designed for small and midsize businesses tomonitor notonly manufacturing operations in real time and online.More info on:www.mobilnivyroba.czFields of application:- Production - evidence of custom manufacturing andproductionoperations- Service organization - tracking service operations thatperformservice technicians- Trade Organization - reporting sales representatives- Estate agents - enter information about a property realestateagents- Documents - tracking documents using QR codes
School Attendance 1.0
School Attendance utilizes QR codes andGoogleSpreadsheets to track attendance conveniently in real-timeandonline in Google Drive.Solution uses QR codes printed on ID cards to identifystudents.Attendance is taken using multiple Android devices locatedatentrances. Or you can take attendance on the go as soon asstudentsenter school bus.In advanced setup system:1) keeps attendance of each student in separate Google Spreadsheet-this spreadsheet keeps history of all attendance records and canbeshared either with the student for his / her own reference orwithparents; parents can check anytime online attendancerecords2) sends email notifications to parents when their child arrivestoschool and when leaves the school.By downloading the application, you can request a freetrial.
Mobilná Výroba 2.0.7
Riešenie Mobilná Výroba je určene pre maléastredne veľke firmy. Slúži na evidenciu výrobných operácií onlineaich sledovanie v reálnom čase.Viac informácií získate na:www.mobilnavyroba.skOblasti použitia:- výroba - evidencia zákazkovej výroby a výrobných operácií- servisné organizácie - sledovanie servisných operáciíktorévykonávajú servisní technici- obchod - vykazovanie práce obchodných zástupcov- realitky - zadávanie informácií o nehnuteľnostiachrealitnýmiagentami- dokumenty - sledovanie dokumentov pomocou QR kódovMobile ProductionSolutionis designed for small and midsize businesses. It is usedto recordthe manufacturing operations online and real-timetracking.For more information see:www.mobilnavyroba.skFields of application:- Production - evidence of construction contracts andproductionoperations- Service organizations - tracking service operations carried outbyservice technicians- Shop - reporting work sales representatives- Realtors - enter information about the real estate Realestateagents- Documents - tracking documents using QR codes
SMS Parkovací lístok 1.3
S aplikaciou SMS Parkovaci listokmozetepohodlne platit za parkovne formou SMS v tychtomestach:Bratislava, Kosice, Trnava, Martin, Presov, Trencin,BanskaBystrica, Vranov nad Toplou, Zvolen, Poprad, Prievidza,SpisskaNova Ves, Senec a Banska Stiavnica.Staci si nastavit evidencne cislo vozidla v nastaveniach(!!!cislo zadavajte bez medzier !!!) a potom uz len vybrat mestoaparkovaciu zonu. Stlacenim nakupneho kosika sa odosle SMSkaanasledne sa spracuje potvrdzujuca SMS a zakupeny listok sa pridadohistorie.Aplikacia vas upozorni pred vyprsanim platnosti listka.Obnovenie listka pre tu istu parkovaciu zonu spravite tak, zesizakupite novy SMS parkovaci listok.Na zaver. Aplikaciu mate od nas zadarmo. Ceny SMSparkovacichlistkov sa mozu menit a aplikacia nemusi reflektovataktualne cenyparkovneho. Za pochopenie dakujemem.V pripade akychkolvek problemov, pripomienok alebo napadovnaskontaktujte. Aplikaciu priebezne upravime o nove veci.English:You know this situation. You are rushing for an importantmeetingand you have finally found a parking spot in a crowdedcitycenter.Unfortunately, you can't find the nearest parking machine andontop of it, you don't have any change. Don't worry, we havebroughtto you an elegant solution that will make your lifeeasier.With SMS Parking, you can easily and comfortably pay forparkingtickets in selected Slovak cities via SMS.Currently, you can pay via SMS for parking in:Bratislava,Kosice, Trnava, Martin, Presov, Trencin, BanskaBystrica, Vranovnad Toplou, Zvolen, Poprad, Prievidza andSenica.The ordering process is simple and straightforward. Selectthecity, the parking zone and send out SMS. Within 2 minutes youwillreceive SMS parking ticket. The application will notify you,beforethe purchased ticket expires. Then, you can easily extendthevalidity of ticket by purchasing another SMS parking ticket forthesame city and parking zone.
Mobile Attendance 7.00
Turn your Android device into a mobile attendance trackingsystem.Mobile Attendance lets you easily and comfortably trackemployeeattendance with QR codes. QR codes are easy to create andliterallycost you nothing. Mobile Attendance is fully integratedinto GoogleDrive. Attendance records are inserted in real-time intoGoogleSpreadsheets. From there you can access and superviseemployeeattendance using your Gmail or Google Apps account fromanywhereand from any device. At the end of a month you can generatemonthlyreports for payroll. Mobile Attendance works offline incasenetwork connection is lost. Paying customers can usemultipledevices at multiple locations whether it is in an office oron aconstruction site. Mobile Attendance is offered as amonthlysubscription-based service for a very affordable price.NEW:FaceCapture feature with face detection that preventsbuddypunching. Get a free 14-day trial now. For more informationvisit: ------------ SLOVENSKY /Dochadzkovysystem / Evidencia dochadzky ------------ Premente svojAndroidsmartfon na mobilny dochadzkovy system. S mobilnoudochadzkoumozete jednoducho sledovat dochadzku zamestnancov.Mobilnadochadzka pouziva na identifikaciu zamestnancov QR kody.Evidenciadochadzky je ulozena v Google tabulkach. Udaje o dochadzkesavkladaju v realnom case! Pristup k udajom o dochadzkematekedykolvek a odkialkolvek z vasom Gmail alebo Google Appsuctu.NOVINKA: Funkcia FaceCapture detekuje tvare a umoznujeukladatfotky pri prichode a odchode z prace. Zamedzi sa takzneuziti IDkaret a zamestnanci nemaju moznost 'odkliknut' kolegu.Na aktivaciupotrebujete Android zariadenie s kamerou a verziou 4+ aGmail aleboGoogle Apps ucet. Pre viac CESKY / Dochazkovy system /Evidence dochazky------------ Promente svuj Android smartfon namobilni dochazkovysystem. S mobilni dochazkou muzete jednodusesledovat dochazkuzamestnancu. Mobilni dochadzka pouziva naidentifikaci zamestnancuQR kody. Evidence dochazky je ulozena vGoogle tabulkach. Udaje odochazce jsou vkladany v realnem case!Pristup k udajum matekdykoliv a odkudkoliv pomoci vaseho Gmail neboGoogle Apps uctu.NOVINKA: Funkce FaceCapture detekuje oblicej aumoznuje ukladatfotky pri prichodu nebo odchodu z prace. Zamezi takzneuziti IDkaret a zamestnanci nemaju moznost 'odkliknot' kolegu.Na aktivacipotrebujete Android zarizeni s kamerou a verzi 4+ aGmail neboGoogle Apps ucet. Vice informaci